Swiss Open Fiesch 2020

Wir sind stolz die diesjährigen internationalen Gleitschirm-Schweizermeisterschaften anlässlich unseres 25. Club-Jubiläums durchzuführen. Die Swiss Open 2020 finden vom 4. - 9. August 2020 statt.

Auf dieser Seite werden nützliche Informationen zu diesem Anlass veröffentlicht.

Informationen für Piloten

Wichtige Informationen zu den COVID-19 Schutzmassnahmen:

Important information regarding COVID-19 prevention measurements:

Dear Pilots

As you know, the number of infections is increasing and many countries, but also our community Fiesch defines additional measures. Furthermore, the World Cup will take place in Disentis shortly afterwards. In order to avoid infections we stick stricktly to our concept:

        1 Participate only without symptoms (see annex)
        2 Distance or mask (everyone carries own masks with)
        3 Wash and/or disinfect hands (everyone carries an own disinfectant with)
        4 Fix groups for social events for the whole period (no mask obligation within this group)

1. participate only without symptoms
Persons with symptoms of illness are NOT allowed to participate. They stay at home or go into isolation and discuss the further procedure with the doctor.

2. keep distance or wear mask
At the meeting point, during briefing and debriefing, after the end of the activity, on the return journey - in all these and similar situations, a distance of 1,5 metres must be maintained and the traditional shake hands and high-fives must be strictly avoided.
Wherever the distance cannot be maintained, strict masking is required.

3. wash or disinfect hands thoroughly
Washing hands or disinfecting hands plays a decisive role. Pilots are required to wash or disinfect their hands before and after transport, briefing and other activities. Everyone carries their own disinfectant with them.

4. pilot evening and other social events (bar, coffee, restaurant, take off)
Pilots decide on a fixed group. Usually this is "their own nation". Small nations form groups of about 20, max. 25 people.
Within these groups the mask obligation is suspended.

Masks and Disinfectant
Everyone carries their own masks and disinfectant.

Sozial Events, Pilot evening
We have divided the pilot evening into three evenings with two groups each. Please register at one of these groups BEFORE you make your registration at HQ:

"Your" group is decisive for the whole period of the Swiss Open. If you drink a beer, when you go out to dinner in the evening, or simply for the General Briefing: you have to stay always within this group!
This is the only way we can ensure that in case of an infection not all 150 people have to go into quarantine.

One more time:
Distance or Mask or you are in your Group!

We are aware that because of these measures some of the quality of this event is lost and would like to apologize for this.

Richard Imstepf, Martin Scheel and the whole organisation committee


Schutzkonzept COVID-
Covid prevention measures Fiesch.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 43.6 KB

Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten gibt es bei unseren Übernachtungssponsoren:

- Baumhaus, Fiesch (

- Camping Eggishorn, Fiesch (

- Eggishorn Ferien, Fiesch (

- Hotel Alpenblick, Fieschertal (

- Hotel Des Alpes, Fiesch (

- Hotel Du Glacier, Fiesch (

- Sport- und Feriencenter, Fiesch (


Informationen zu unserem Fluggebiet findet ihr hier: Flugmekka



Informationen zu Fiesch:


Das Organisationskomitee besteht aus dem Vorstand der Fluggruppe Aletsch.


- Airvolution, Ried-Brig (

- Air Zermatt (

- Aletsch Arena & Aletsch Bahnen (

- Alpenlodge, Fiescheralp (

- Baumhaus, Fiesch (

- Camping Eggishorn, Fiesch (

- Eggishorn Ferien, Fiesch (

- EW Goms / WALY.AG, Ernen (

- Flug-Taxi, Fiesch (

- Flyingcenter, Fieschertal (

- Gemeinde Fieschertal (

- Gommerkraftwerke AG, Fiesch (

- Hotel Alpenblick, Fieschertal (

- Hotel Des Alpes, Fiesch (

- Hotel Du Glacier, Fiesch (

- Leukersonne (

- MGB (

- Raiffeisen Aletsch-Goms (

- Russi-Söhne AG, Fieschertal (

- Sport- und Feriencenter, Fiesch (

- vb-power Lohnunternehmung (

- GIS der Walliser Gemeinden (


Herzlichen Dank all unseren Sponsoren.